35th Anniversary Special Vote - The Sylvanian Election

2020 is the 35th Anniversary since Sylvanian Families launched our favourite brand - Sylvanian Families!

That's certainly worth a celebration, isn't it?

The exciting news is that Sylvanian Families are celebrating 

with a special Sylvanian Election.


  Sylvanian Families 35th Anniversary vote


Yes, that's right, an election, and you have the vote!
Below we have added in the link, which will take you to the
where you can look through over 100 families from over the past 35 years since Sylvanian Families came into being. 
You can vote for your favourite family, once per day.
And what are the results of this vote?
The most-voted family will be brought into production as a special 35th anniversary Celebration Family!!
How exciting is that?
What will be your favourite family?
The Chocolate Labrador Family?
Sylvanian FAmilies Chocolate LAbrador Family
The Cow Family?
(Do check in our store too, we occasionally have the Cow Family or twins etc available)
Sylvanian FAmilies Buttercup Cow Family
The Sylvanian Families Garden Rabbit Family?
Sylvanian Families Garden Rabbit Hanozono FAmily

 The Sylvanian Families Beagle Dog Family?

Sylvanian FAmilies Beagle Dog Family

The Sylvanian Families Moss Reindeer Family?

Sylvanian Familes Reindeer Family

The Sylvanian Families Raccoon Dog Tanuki Family?

Sylvanian Families Racoon Dog Tanuki Family

The Sylvanian Families Mole Family?

Sylvanian FAmilies Mole Family

The Sylvanian Families Duck Family?

Sylvanian Families Duck Family

The Sylvanian Families Owl Family?

Sylvanian Families Owl Family

These are just a few of the Sylvanian Families that you can vote for. There are so many more, which you will see by visiting the Sylvanian Families website.

The below link will redirect your to the official special 35th Anniversary website
So, I wonder which family you will be voting for and wishing will come back into production this year?
Remember to visit the offical Vote site at the link's above. A comment below is not counted as a vote.
(Our store is in no way affiliated with the official voting site. This is simpy an article to let fans know about this great opportunity.)
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