Australia's Young Sylvanian Families Super-fan!

Sylvanian Families display set up Australia's young super fan Cate

Meet  Cate, one of Australia's young Sylvanian Families Super fans!


Cate's Sylvanian village is one that many Sylvanian Families fans would dream of owning. It's also a village that Cate has spent hours not only playing amongst, but designing and creating too and we can't wait to share some of those creations with your below!

Sylvanian Families village scene display table

Cate began her collection in 2015 when she was 8 years old. Her very first Sylvanian piece was Beechwood Hall, some furniture and the Chocolate Rabbit Family - her Christmas gift that year. 

Since then Cate's village has burgeoned and her expansive Sylvania now consists of more than 30 scenes, houses, etc and the latest Sylvanian village roll call added up to 195 characters.  There's also a lake for the house boat, a cobbled pathway, plenty of grassy areas, and a second level area with a creek. Cate's Mum, Kerrie, says that they are regularly increasing her display area as her village grows.  At the moment she has an area around 3 square metres, over two levels of her custom made play space.


At the centre of the village there's a creek with Cate's handmade bridge over it, innovatively made from wooden clothes pegs and emery boards.

 Sylvanian Families creek and handmade bridge diy

Collecting Sylvanian Families is only one part of Cate's passion. When a Sylvanian Families set doesn't exist, or she doesn't have a particular set, that's no problem for Cate!  Just create one! Below are some of her fabulous creations made from polymer clay. 

Sylvanian Families mailbox and flowers

Handmade mailbox and gorgeous flower potplants

Sylvanian Families Dalmatians hopscotch game

The Dalmatian children enjoying a fun game on Cate's hopscotch pavement

Sylvanian Families playing Quoits ring toss

My personal favourite is Cate's game of quoits or ring toss! It's adorable!

Sylvanian Families Christmas tree and gifts scene handmade

And no village is complete without some Christmas festivities - a creative Christmas tree and handmade gift boxes perfectly complete the scene!

Kerrie mentioned that she had Sylvanian Families when she was a child, but used to set up the house and then leave it for 'display'. "I didn't actually play with them as such, but Cate has a full dialogue going in her Sylvania. She moves them about each day, they have back stories and she sets up scenarios meticulously!"

"I remember vividly one day coming in to find Ralph Walnut Squirrel hanging over the side of the Beechwood Hall railing! It didn't take long for me to figure out that Cate had got the Nurse Set that morning and she needed Ralph to have an accident and break his leg so she had a reason to use the leg cast and wheelchair!!"

Sylvanian Families large collection belonging to Cate, Australia

Cate's 90cm giant Freya Rabbit overlooks the new Sylvanian town centre

And what's next for this young Sylvanian super fan?

Cate latest project is creating some Sylvanian Families stop-motion videos of her scenes.

"We have been considering a blog or similar so she can let everyone know what is happening in her Sylvania each day. She also dreams of having a Sylvanian Shop and Museum or Display where she can give tours!"

Sylvanian Families Art Gallery hand made

Cate's favourite set that she has created herself is the Art Gallery where the artistic Sylvanians can display their artwork. 

Sylvanian Families Caravan and art work

Thanks Cate for sharing your special Sylvanian hobby with us, and for allowing us to share it with Sylvanian Fans around Australia and beyond! Your collection is amazing and your talent and creativity a real inspiration to fans of all ages!

Readers, we welcome you to let us know in the comments below which of Cate's scenes and creations are your favourite and what has inspired you?


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