When I see winter pictures of Sylvania, it always makes me wish I could shrink down, wrap on my tiny scarf and skates and join in the fun!
Here are some of my all time favourite winter Sylvanian snaps
When Sylvania’s pond freezes over, put on your skates everyone!
Another Sylvanian Families Official photograph
The most adorable igloo ever seen! And that looks like a bear-gloo to the right and a cat-gloo on the left!
And of course, a cold windy afternoon isn't minded at all when the Sylvanian kids bring out their Sylvanian kites!
Did you know these little toboggans (below) were part of a Sylvanian Winter sports set released a few years ago.
This snowy picture scene is by Sylvanako, the Sylvanian photographer.
Building the biggest and best snowman. The Chocolate Rabbit girl on the right and the snowboard leaning on the fence are part of the Calico Critters Winter Sports Playset.
And in Australia in winter, Sylvanian postman Boomerang Springer loves to recite bush poetry around a roaring campfire
(photo credit: Possum Creek blogpost)
I just love this photo of the Sylvanian artists capturing their winter scene. So realistic.
Looking from inside out. Who's going to shovel the pathway, I wonder?
And the opposite below. Looking from outside in.
What a cosy wintery rabbit family gathering!
And there's the Winter Sports playset again!
Fun rides to be had all round.
Now what exactly are these Sylvanians up to?
Can you imagine the fun they're going to have snow racing this mobile?!
And every fun afternoon, must end with Christopher Appleblossom, the Baker's snacks, hot chocolate and friends.
Good thing the Sylvanian nurse is there to keep an eye on everyone.
This winter picture epitomises hope,
And there it is!
That's what friends are for in winter!
Oooof! Sometimes winter fun can be hard work though too!
Push harder, Mr Penguin!
And there's always paths to be shovelled. That's hard work too!
But of course, everyone lends a hand.
We hope you've enjoyed a visit to Sylvania in winter!
Most of these scenes are official Sylvanian Families photos.
We have given photo credit due where possible.
Some photos original sources are unknown, but please let us know if the photo is yours and we will credit where due.